Hercules: The World's Biggest Dog According to Guinness World Records
Hercules was recently awarded the honorable distinction of Worlds Biggest Dog by Guinness World Records. Hercules is an English Mastiff and has a 38 inch neck and weighs 282 pounds. With "paws the size of softballs" (reports the Boston Herald), the three-year-old monster is far larger and heavier than his breed's standard 200lb. limit. Hercules owner Mr. Flynn says that Hercules weight is natural and not induced by a bizarre diet: "I fed him normal food and he just grew".... and grew. and grew. and grew.
Are you serious??? That is out of this world!
I can't believe this...I kinda want one! And apparently there is a dog that is actually heavier than him, just not as big. That doesn't really make sense, but not much that we hear through the grapevine does!
well first of all I have one of these dog and it is not an english mastiff. they are call neapolitian mastiff and yes the get qutie big however,any breeder and owners will protect the dogs with there lives. They are not the dog for everybody the cost you lots of money to buy one and second of all the cost lots of money to keep your house in one peice. I have had to replace my font window twice and both my screen door because she likes to run thru them. however I wouldn't trade her for anything. they are very loyal to there family. and you never have to worried about anyone breaking in to you home. this pic of this dog is quite big yes a male can get to about 200lbs most likly 180lb and a female can get to about 150lb to 170lb. any one can get info on the mastiff and many breeder will fill you in about these dogs.
Hey what is all the noise about All dogs are that size here in Texas!
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